Anger is an emotion that can be strong and unpredictable. It varies in intensity based on the individual and the situation, and can manifest as mild irritation to extreme rage.

Anger is ultimately a natural feeling to have and one that may be helpful to express at times. However, it can also have a negative impact on your own well-being and your relationships with others. Learn how to control anger immediately.

How to Control Anger Immediately? 8 Ways to Overcome Anger

1. Learn to Recognize and Acknowledge Your Anger

If you’re extremely overwhelmed or occupied with certain aspects of your life, you may not always recognize your anger or your anger’s severity.

One of the first steps to controlling your anger is learning to identify when you’re feeling it. By better understanding this emotion, you can get a better grasp on it.

Do regular check-ins on your emotional state and pay attention to your body. Oftentimes, anger will make your heart start beating faster, your blood pressure will go up, and you may feel light-headed or “speedy” because of the hormones and adrenaline.

You can also pay attention to your behavior, such as screaming, shouting, clenching your fists, frowning, or wallowing in negative thoughts.

2. Relax and Breathe

When you recognize that you’re feeling mad, focus on your breathing. Shallow breaths that cause your chest to move up and down rapidly can contribute to the problem. Instead, focus on taking slow, deep breaths from your diaphragm. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

This type of practice can help slow your heart rate, center your attention on your body, and reduce other symptoms rage can induce. You can also consider repeating a word or phrase that calms you and helps you relax.

3. Practice Healthy Communication and Use “I” Statements

Be sure to communicate as calmly and effectively as possible with those around you. If you’re not able to do so, you may need to postpone the conversation. Be sure to stop and listen, and consider using “I” statements. This can help prevent criticism and placing blame, which often increase the tension.

If you struggle to articulate your thoughts, consider journaling. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be easier than saying them out loud. Therapy may also be a way to better understand yourself to support healthy communication.

4. Talk About It With a Friend or Watch a Movie

Do things that distract you, like talking to a good friend or watching a movie. Talking to a friend can give you emotional comfort and a different perspective. Watching a movie, listening to music, and other such activities can calm you down quickly and give you a little time to think.

5. Exercise and Go Outside

Exercise is an activity that can help you release negative energy and better your physical and mental well-being. You can exercise when you’re feeling angry, channeling that energy into your workout.

Or you can exercise proactively. Moving your body each day in a healthy way can help you manage all of your emotions, including anger.

You might also consider spending more time outside. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors is naturally relaxing. You can enjoy nature and get outside of your typical environment, such as your office or home, where negative feelings may pop up.

6. Change Your Perspective and Be More Positive and Rational

Depending on what’s sparking your anger, you may be able to shift your perspective to better reign it in. Take a step back from the situation and see how you can shift your mindset to one that is neutral or positive. Be careful of words like “never” or “always”.

For example, consider what’s upsetting you. How serious is it? It is something you can laugh off? Is it from a lack of understanding? Or maybe you’re simply reacting out of character because you’re overworked and tired.

7. Focus On Possible Solutions

Another strategy you can try is to focus on a solution. Instead of thinking about the person or situation that’s angering you, focus on what you can do to resolve the problem. It may be having a conversation at a later date, it may be taking some time for yourself to calm down, or something else altogether.

A solutions-oriented mindset could be just what you need to get back on track.

8. Exercise Forgiveness

Forgiveness can work wonders for dissolving your anger. Depending on the situation, it may be best to end the relationship and seek closure to move forward.

For example, you may be holding a grudge against someone or are upset about something they did or said. If possible, try to forgive them and move past the situation to release your negative emotions.

You should also be sure to forgive yourself. Emotions can be difficult to navigate and if you’re getting frustrated with your reactions, it could further escalate the issue. Give yourself patience and grace as you work on identifying and addressing your anger.

Conclusion: How to Control Anger Immediately

Sometimes it may feel like anger is controlling you and your life. By taking steps to get ahold of this negative emotion, you can better understand how to control your anger immediately. Try these steps today and consider professional anger management help if recommended by a professional.

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