Crystals for meditation can have differing meanings based on spirituality. In general, meditation crystals are thought to hold energy and vibrations that can deepen, improve, and focus your meditation experience.

13 Best Crystals for Meditation

To begin learning how to meditate with crystals, you must choose your meditation crystals. There are a plethora of options to choose from. However, here are some of the most popular types of crystals for meditation and their potential benefits:

  1. Amethyst: Creativity and Calm
  2. Aquamarine: Tranquility and Renewed Energy
  3. Black Tourmaline: Strength and Balance
  4. Carnelian: Overcome Challenges
  5. Citrine: Positive Energy and Health
  6. Clear Quartz: Trust, Harmony, and Love
  7. Labradorite: Strength and Balance
  8. Lapis Lazuli: Spiritual Enlightenment and Wisdom
  9. Lepidolite: Calm, Balance, and Self-Love
  10. Moonstone: Feminine Power and Intuition
  11. Obsidian: Protection and Clarity
  12. Rose Quartz: Healing, Love, and Strong Relationships
  13. Selenite: Purity and Healing

When meditating with crystals, you typically hold them in your hands. However, depending on their healing properties and chakra connections, there are some that you may place near certain places of your body. Learn more about meditation crystals and their specific uses.

1. Amethyst: Creativity and Calm

Amethyst is a violet-colored crystal thought to boost creativity and passion while reducing ego and keeping one spiritually grounded. It’s also meant to form a protective shield around individuals, offering them a purifying and cleansing experience.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

Some feel that amethyst should be held at the navel to achieve its grounding effects. It’s great for crystal-wearing if you prefer to meditate throughout the day.

2. Aquamarine: Tranquility and Renewed Energy

Aquamarine is a blue-green crystal intended to bring a sense of tranquility and peace. It’s meant to be a great crystal for meditation by clearing your mind and granting you a sense of calm and focus.

Who Should Use This Stone?

Aquamarine can be the best crystal for meditation for those who struggle to let go or who feel wound up with anxiety and stress.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

To meditate with aquamarine, you may focus on its connection to your throat chakra. It’s frequently worn in jewelry such as bracelets, pendants, and rings.

3. Black Tourmaline: Strength and Balance

As its name suggests, black tourmaline is a black crystal with a metallic sheen. It’s meant to help ground you during your meditation and give you strength to overcome physical and mental challenges. It also offers you balance to support your confidence and courage.

Who Should Use This Stone?

When it comes to the best crystals for meditation, black tourmaline can be ideal for those who feel unbalanced or who are struggling with self-confidence.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

It’s strongly connected to your root chakra so consider meditating sitting up with your legs crossed when using black tourmaline so you can more easily focus on being rooted to the ground.

4. Carnelian: Overcome Challenges

Carnelian is an orange crystal that can come in varying shades with hues of brown and red. It’s thought to provide strength to overcome physical and emotional challenges. In addition, it grants protection as you grow and move forward on your personal and spiritual journey.

Who Should Use This Stone?

Carnelian may be ideal for those who are struggling with their path in life and who are seeking the strength to move forward and overcome obstacles in their way.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

During meditation, it will connect to your base, sacral, and solar plexus chakras.

5. Citrine: Positive Energy and Health

Citrine is a primarily orange crystal that can have variations with white and yellow hues. It’s thought to bring you energy and creativity while offering clarity and promoting good health.

Who Should Use This Stone?

When choosing meditation crystals, this one can be wonderful for those who want to surround themselves with positive energy and prioritize their health.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

It’s ideal for those who want to cleanse their charkas, offering a strong connection to the solar plexus and naval chakras.

6. Clear Quartz: Trust, Harmony, and Love

Clear quartz is a clear crystal that can take on white, silver, or blueish hues depending on how it reflects the light. It fosters trust, harmony, and love, and is thought to improve your energy.

Who Should Use This Stone?

Clear quartz can be particularly helpful for those struggling to open up and looking to foster trust and love with those around them.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

It can be placed near you during meditation or you can hold it as it opens up your crown and heart chakras.

7. Labradorite: Strength and Balance

Labradorite is a magical stone that can transform into a range of beautiful colors. It may initially be perceived as black but takes on hues of blue, gold, green, and more. Labradorite is said to be a powerful crystal that provides strength and balance with the energy to push forward.

Who Should Use This Stone?

Labradorite is such a well-loved crystal that anyone can benefit from its qualities. However, if you’re looking to find inner peace, energy, and strength, it could be one of the best meditation crystals for you.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

It’s linked to your crown and third eye chakras, which is an important consideration for where to focus during your meditation.

8. Lapis Lazuli: Spiritual Enlightenment and Wisdom

Lapis lazuli is one of the brightest stones in the world with a vibrant royal blue hue. It’s thought to strengthen your connection to the universe, providing you with spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, and the ability to reach a higher spiritual consciousness.

Who Should Use This Stone?

If you’re interested in exploring or deepening your spiritual connections, this could be the best crystal for your meditation.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

Many individuals who work with crystals feel that lapis lazuli opens up your third eye chakra.

9. Lepidolite: Calm, Balance, and Self-Love

Lepidolite is a beautiful pink crystal that looks similar to granite with various shades of pink broken up with white. It’s considered a healing crystal because of its potential ability to offer calm, balance, peace, self-love, and self-acceptance.

Who Should Use This Stone?

When considering which meditation crystals to use, this crystal is said to be great for those who suffer from mood disorders like anxiety and depression as it could help you find a sense of inner peace.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

You should hold lepidolite when you meditate and focus on powerful affirmations when harnessing its energy.

10. Moonstone: Feminine Power and Intuition

Moonstone is a white crystal that you may also find in shades of blue, beige, brown, or even peach. It’s thought to boost traits commonly associated with femininity, such as compassion, acceptance, care, nurturing, and intuition.

Who Should Use This Stone?

Moonstone is good for those who are looking to explore their softer side while embracing their feminine energy.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

It’s strongly connected to the heart chakra and can be held in your hand or near your heart during meditation.

11. Obsidian: Protection and Clarity

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Obsidian is a deep black crystal that may have some shades of gray or grayish brown in it. It’s usually polished into a smooth oval stone. This crystal is said to offer protection, giving you a spiritual shield to ward off negative energy. It may also provide clarity.

Who Should Use This Stone?

When finding the right crystals for meditation, obsidian is ideal for those who are looking to protect their heart and soul from negative people, events, and energy.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

It can be held during meditation or placed close by and is most closely connected to your root chakra.

12. Rose Quartz: Healing, Love, and Strong Relationships

Rose quartz is often recognized as a stone of love. It’s light pink and often shaped and polished into small heart-shaped stones. However, it can also be found in its raw form. Rose quartz is thought to provide healing while fostering love and strengthening relationships.

Who Should Use This Stone?

This meditation crystal is ideal for those who are looking to embrace love and affection in their lives and strengthen their connection with others.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

It’s more closely connected to the heart chakra and can be held in your hands or near your heart during meditation.

13. Selenite: Purity and Healing

Selenite is a white crystal that carries a rich history. Many cultures feel selenite is a strong healing crystal with the ability to cleanse and clear the body of negativity while granting you a sense of inner peace and calm. It’s meant to purify the body, allowing you to find clarity and understanding.

Who Should Use This Stone?

Selenite is one of the most common meditation crystals that can be beneficial to anyone but may be of particular interest to those who are feeling confused and muddled inside.

How to Use This Stone in Meditation?

It’s strongly connected to your sacral chakra and should be held during meditation.

How to Use Crystals in Meditation?

1. Pick the Crystals to Meditate With

Consider what you hope to achieve through meditation and select your crystals accordingly. It’s not a bad idea to build a collection of meditation crystals so you have what you need to accommodate a range of intentions.

2. Set Your Intention(s)

Next, you’ll want to set your intentions. This is what you hope to achieve through your meditation. Examples of intentions are, I intend to love myself, I intend to get rid of negativity, I intend to find peace, I intend to start healing, I intend to improve my relationships, or I intend to find balance.

There is no right or wrong intention, as long as it speaks to you and is something you truly want to achieve. Stick to this intention throughout your meditation and while handling your crystals.

3. Get Comfortable and Relaxed

As you settle in with your intentions, check in with your body and make sure you’re relaxed. You should be in a quiet location where you can sit or lie comfortably. Ensure your body is supported, such as with a pillow under your head or your legs. You may also consider playing gentle music and burning incense to create a calm atmosphere.

4. Handle and Place Your Crystals

To use crystals during your meditation, hold them in one or each hand. Many people like to use both hands to achieve balance.

You may also place crystals on your body or hold them near certain parts of your body to align with your chakras. For example, you may want to hold a crystal that promotes love and healing near your heart chakra.

Meditation Crystals: Best Crystals for Meditation and How to Use Them

5. Breathe and Focus

As you enter your meditation, make sure you take slow, deep breaths. Focus on filling your lungs slowly and releasing them with intention. Keep your meditation goals in the forefront of your mind and repeat your intentions to yourself throughout the experience.

You should also focus on what you want to gain from the crystals. Feel their energy and allow it to channel through your body. Pay attention to how various parts of your body feel and listen to what your body is telling you. If you need help, consider doing a guided meditation that will help you measure your breathing and maintain your focus.

6. Clear and Recharge Your Crystals

Once you’ve completed your meditation, you may consider clearing your crystals. Clearing is a way to get rid of any negative energy and restore the crystals to their purest state. Some crystals have very particular care requirements, so be sure to research cleansing techniques for various crystal types.

You can also recharge your crystals to ensure they can channel the most amount of energy possible during your meditation. You can use crystal slabs or stands to recharge meditation crystals, you may set them out in the sunlight, or you may harness the moon’s charging capabilities.

Final Thought on Meditation Crystals

While there is still mystery surrounding the abilities of meditation crystals, they are a popular tool used to enhance your meditation experience. Consider the best crystals for meditation based on their popularity and how they may help you identify and pursue your mindfulness intentions.

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