You hop into bed and get comfortable for a good night’s sleep. You start to drift off, and before you know it, you’re dreaming about rodents. Believe it or not, rat dreams are pretty common and can have several meanings. If you’ve had a rat dream and are curious about what it means, keep reading for a deeper understanding of your nighttime visions.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Rats?

Common meanings behind rat dreams are you’re experiencing fear or feeling threatened, you’re overwhelmed or stressed, or you’re suppressing your fears and anxieties.

However, rat dreams can also mean something completely different. For example, they could symbolize intelligence and the ability to adapt to various challenges you’re facing. Let’s take a closer look at each of these options.

1. Fear or Feeling Threatened

Rats could symbolize feelings of fear, especially if you’re scared of them. They can also symbolize a potential threat in your life. Consider if there’s something you’re currently scared of or intimidated by, as this could be causing your dream.

2. Overwhelming Circumstances

Dreaming of a rat could also show that you’re overwhelmed. This can be common for people who are facing a lot of stress at work, at home, or in other areas of their personal life. This could especially be the case if you’re dreaming about several rats that outnumber you and make you feel helpless.

3. Suppressed Fear and Anxiety

Rats and mice may signal fears and anxieties you have. Sometimes if you’re trying to push down your anxiety or ignore something you’re nervous about, it can manifest into a rat dream. Are there things in your waking life that give you a sense of anxiety? Confronting them could help you solve the rat dream mystery.

4. Intelligence and Flexibility

While rats can have many negative connotations, they may also symbolize something positive. For example, they could imply intelligence, intuitiveness, resourcefulness, adaptability, and strength. If you aren’t disturbed or bothered by your rat dream, this could be the meaning that makes the most sense for you.

Biblical Meaning of Rats in a Dream

Biblical meanings of rats in a dream are commonly linked to impurity, destruction, and uncleanliness.

Leviticus 11:29-38 The Message (MSG): “Among the creatures that crawl on the ground, the following are unclean for you: weasel, rat, all lizards, gecko, monitor lizard, wall lizard, skink, chameleon. Among the crawling creatures, these are unclean for you. If you touch them when they are dead, you are ritually unclean until evening.”

Are Rat Dreams Good or Bad

If you’re wondering if a rat dream is bad, the answer is it could mean something positive or negative. For some, rats aren’t scary or gross at all and are a welcomed furry animal. For others, rats cause fear and disgust.

There are two things you should do to pinpoint whether your rodent dream is good or bad. First, take a closer look at aspects of your rat dream. Second, consider what’s happening in your life and what you’ve been feeling lately. This will help you connect the dots and better understand why your mind is delivering images of rats.

Dreams of Rats: Different Scenarios and Their Meanings

Changes are, there are some details around your rat dream that can help you better understand it. For example, what color was the rat? Were there multiple rats? What was the rat doing? What were you doing? Learn about some common rat dream scenes and what they could mean.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Rats Running Around?

If you dream about rats running around, this could mean you feel abandoned by your friends and family. Your inner self may be trying to tell you that while you feel betrayed, you may have done something to hurt their feelings and push them away. Reflect on the relationships that are important to you and how they’ve changed recently.

Dream of Rats Running in House

Rats in your house can mean you have fake or untrustworthy people in your life. There’s a type of dirtiness or unwelcome energy coming into your personal space and it poses a threat to your comfort and safety. It could also mean you are jealous or envious of others in your life and feel threatened by their success and happiness.

Dreaming of a Rat Biting You

If you dream about a rat biting you, beware that someone could be lying to you or backstabbing you. If that hasn’t already happened, the dream could just be a warning to be careful and be more aware of individuals who could hurt you. It may even be the last person you’d expect.

Dreaming of a Black Rat

Black rats are often not a good sign. Dreaming of black rats may mean there is treachery, evil, and danger in your life. Be careful of friends, relatives, coworkers, and others who you interact with frequently as someone could be plotting against you.

Dream of White Rat

White rats are usually a good sign. Dreaming of white rats implies you can be successful and work through some tough challenges. It can also mean you have some type of guardian or support system ready to stand by you during difficult times to help you come out happy and healthy.

Dream of Dead Rats

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Dead Rat? Contrary to what you may think, dead rats can be a very positive sign. Dead rats can symbolize that you’ve gotten rid of someone toxic in your life. For example, you may dream of a dead rat if you’ve left an unfaithful relationship, if you’ve cut off a one-sided friendship, or if you’ve stopped prioritizing a family member who has hurt you. This is especially common if you don’t like rats.

Killing Rat in Dream: Meaning

Dreams about killing a rat can also be a good sign. Have you recently identified a big problem in your life? Uncovered someone who has ill intentions? Understood what steps need to be taken to improve your happiness and health? Killing a rat in your dream life can mean you’re prepared to take action against something negative.

What Does It Mean to Dream of a Rat and a Cat?

Dreaming of a rat accompanied by a cat can mean something bad in your life has been (or will be) eliminated or taken care of in some way. How that situation or person is taken care of will be connected to feminine energy, which is symbolized through the feline.

Dreaming of a Big Rat

If you have a dream or nightmare about a big rat, it likely means you feel intimidated, overwhelmed, or controlled by someone in your life. Is there an individual who makes you feel small and inferior? The large rat could be a symbol of them.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Rat Droppings?

If you dream about rat droppings but no rat, it could mean you’re about to discover a danger in your life, but you’re not quite there yet. Keep your eyes open and pay close attention to those around you as you go about your day. Be cautious and aware.

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Rat Infestation?

Dreaming of a severe rodent problem in your home could mean you have or will have, a serious illness. Some people have reported having dreams about troublesome rats at the same time they were experiencing a health issue. If dream of several rats in your home, or rats causing damage to your home, check in with your physical and emotional well-being and seek treatment and care as needed.

Recurring Rat Dreams: What If You Keep Dreaming About Rats?

If you keep dreaming about rats over and over, it’s likely because you’re not addressing a problem in your waking life. Your mind is trying to tell you or show you something and you keep ignoring it. As you keep having the dream, pay close attention to the details and reference the common scenarios above to see if you can get to the bottom of your rodent manifestations.

Final Thoughts: What Does It Mean to Dream About Rats?

In conclusion, there are many different reasons why you may be dreaming of a rat or rats. They’re commonly a sign of some type of danger, illness, or toxicity in your life. But they can also be an indicator that you’re about to overcome something negative and take back control based on your intelligence and resourcefulness. Take time to really think about your dreams and your life to help solve your mystery.

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